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Another persons view of future advertising

Q1: Are you happy with the idea of the internet taking over advertising.


Not sure if the internet is completely taking over advertising – I think there is still a need for a mix in advertising in order to reach your target audience and the internet is just one vehicle. For example if you were advertising a music concert I think you would have internet advertising as well as posters and flyers, tv campaign, radio campaign etc so you could reach as many people as possible.

Q2: What kind of company do you think offers services associated with this advertisement?


If you mean what kind of company offers services associated with internet advertising I think of Google, the social media channels such as Facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin, as well as a company’s own website, survey monkey, mailchimp or a business’ own database so it can email its customers directly, other companies websites that can reach your target audience, their mailing lists I could go on for a while…

Q3: If you have a company do you think you're advertising will change by 2025


Absolutely. I think a business needs to evolve to stay relevant and current to reach its target audience. As technology changes and people change businesses need to adapt to remain competitive. Who knows if google or facebook will be around in 2025 – Natasha McCann may invent a whole new platform which completely revolutionizes the way businesses relate to their customers!

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